1932 - Nov 29 - Dec 18


Nov 29 - Dec 18


The experimental procedures instituted and followed by Dr. Hamilton and his association were to a large extent based on the techniques evolved by earlier investigators, but modified so as to conform to the particular requirements of the work in Winnipeg.  These were as follows:

First, Dr. Hamilton would check all his equipment to ensure it was all in working order; any visitor would search the room thoroughly, in good red light, to make sure nothing was concealed which might lead to trickery.

In the meantime, the medium had been taken to a nearby bedroom by one of the lady sitters, or by Mrs. Hamilton.  There the medium would disrobe, be completely examined by Mrs. Hamilton (a graduate nurse) or the lady sitter, and then dressed in underwear and a house-coat supplied by Mrs. Hamilton.  As soon as these operations were complete, the medium would be escorted at once to the seance room and take her place on her accustomed chair.  The group members immediately filed in and were seated; visitors were placed; the secretary took his or her place.  Medium and group members all joined hands, forming a circle, with the persons on either side of the medium being responsible for maintaining unbroken manual control of her hands for the full time of the seance.

Once all were seated, the door was closed and locked from the inside.  The red light was turned out, and the seance began, usually with the singing of one or two hymns.  Complete darkness usually prevailed, as this was found to be highly conducive to the onset of trance, and to the building up of materializations.  Shortly after the seance began, the medium, or both mediums, might relate to the group any 'impressions' received clairvoyantly.  These would be noted in detail by the secretary.  Then, frequently, signs of trance onset would appear; as the trance deepened, normal consciousness of the medium would fade.  During a trance period the medium would be checked medically by Dr. Hamilton or one of his medical colleagues, as to pulse rate, respiration rate, body temperature, reflexes, anaesthesia of skin.  When deep trance occurred it was invariably found to be genuine.  During deep trance, various trance personalities would speak in turn to the group.  Such conversations would be noted as fully as possible by the secretary.  Frequently these controls, and one in particular, the main control called  "Walter",  would discuss technical procedures and make plans with Dr. Hamilton for further work, outlining what 'they' (presumably a group of unseen discarnate scientists) intended to give in the way of mental and physical phenomena.  Through their spokesman,  "Walter", 'they' would also stipulate quite clearly and most  emphatically what conditions must be maintained to ensure success in these matters.  If conditions were favorable for a materialization, the trance control would give the signal for the taking of the high-speed flashlight photograph.  Once this was done and the cameras were closed, the trance control would outline what could be expected when the plates (at this point still in the cameras) would reveal in the way of photographic record when developed.  Since the seances were held in darkness, no one present in the seance room had any way of knowing what had been obtained, although if one kept one's eyes open and looked in the correct direction, the materialized form could be seen when the flash was fired.  Only once, out of some 67 different manifestation, did the Walter control fail to delineate wholly accurately the record on the camera plate.  This is unassailable proof of his independence as an intelligent rational being, and knocked out the suggestion of telepathy from incarnate minds to account for this knowledge: since the facts he stated, at the time he stated them, were unknown to any one in the seance room, but were completely verified when the plates were developed.

At the conclusion of the seance, the medical doctors checked the mediums, and made sure they were carefully awakened from the trance state.  Then the red light was turned on dimly, the door unlocked, and all filed out.  At once, Dr. Hamilton and one or two of the gentlemen associates, or one of the visitors, immediately went to Dr. Hamilton's photographic dark room and developed such plates as had been exposed.  The secretary typed the progress notes, which were read over carefully and signed by all present, as being an accurate account of events as they transpired.

For a period of nearly 14 years the Hamilton group observed and studied most carefully the many psychic events which manifested with Mrs. Poole and Mrs. Marshall, under strictest conditions of control , and recorded by means of high-speed flashlight photography, as well as being attested to by the signed and witnessed statements of those present.  These events covered the full range of mediumistic output and included: table-tilts; non-contact raps spelling out coherent and thought -provoking communications; contact and non-contact table levitations; deep-trance speech, automatic writing, drawings, visions; various forms of materialization; and the direct voice.

A close study of the records of the Hamilton researches (both verbatim progress notes and the photographic records) made it abundantly clear that the investigators had to deal with informed, rational, and authoritative entities, who, although invisible, were clearly partners with the incarnate in the joint effort.  They worked with the investigators by exhibiting awareness of the problems of research and of the need for fraud-proof procedures; and they often took the initiate in outlining the plan to be followed.  In other words, they gave positive indication of being directing intelligences.  At first, Dr. Hamilton was very skeptical of their origin; but after many years of study of the complex interlocking of the mental and physical phenomena, apparently the result of long-range planning on the part of the directing entities, who claimed to be Myers, Lodge, Stead, and others deeply interested in psychic research while on earth, Dr. Hamilton, like Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace nearly eighty years before, was forced to the same  conclusion: namely, that only the spiritistic survival hypotheses could account for all the facts and all the events witnessed and validated in a long and exhaustive series of experiments.

All of which brings us back to the heart of the matter and to the definition given at the opening of this paper; "Psychic phenomena are occurrences which appear outside the realm of known physical processes and support the possibility of mental activity outside the body."

While fully recognizing the many implications which a proof of survival held for religion, Dr. Hamilton felt that at this time (1934) the relationship between religion, metapsychics and psychical research  was not yet sufficiently defined, nor was the subject far enough advanced to stress too greatly this aspect.  On the other hand, he was quite willing (after several years of modified skepticism) to work harmoniously with the intelligences and grant them an audience.  He felt that the immediate task was to collect data; he accepted, provisionally, the survival hypothesis. Shortly before he died in 1935 he wrote this:

"Following this came our unexpected entrance into the teleplasmic field.  Five year, 1928 - 1933, we gave to this study.  Through all these stages unseen intelligences led us, directed us, co-operated with us and did their best to maintain rigorous conditions of seance technique - intelligences claiming to be the dead.  Reluctant at first ... to face these most astounding agencies and their equally astounding claims, we were forced, if worthwhile phenomena were to be secured and made available for examination, to capitulate and walk humbly before their greater knowledge in these matters.  I make no apology for this state of affairs; I cannot, for it was not of our doing.  They came, and that was the end of the matter.  Either we worked with them, or backed away, afraid of the issue; and we chose the former course.  If there should be those who deem my findings too incredible for belief, or too unusual or bizarre for their liking , may I remind them in all courtesy that these are not my facts, but Nature's; and as Nature's, they can accept or reject them ... What She offers, I am willing to look at ... but I can, if I choose, take my time about making up my mind concerning the value of these facts to science and to myself personally ..."

" ... Truth walks abroad lodged within many garments. All garments may not at first sight appear equally beautiful; but these removed, she stands forth pure and undismayed, her hand pointing to paths that may yet lead us to places of discovery greater than anything science as a whole has yet thought possible.  That our small share in this unfoldment may lead to still greater discoveries is my earnest hope.  How far off these great days are I cannot venture to surmise; but that they will come, I am certain ..."

                                        Margaret Hamilton Bach
                                        Winnipeg, Manitoba
                                        March, 1965        

[Handwritten note at bottom of (339-A/3997) - Dr. Hamilton investigated privately.  He received no financial help from any scientific grant.  He bore all expenses.  He never received any lecture fees.  His mediums gave their time freely.  This policy I have followed consistently.  Now to show some photos of various phenomena]

In 1932 my parents took a badly needed holiday in England.  There his work was already known through the (several) illustrated articles he had written for the Quarterly Journal of the British College of Psychic Science. 

[As word reached England, he was asked to do articles for the B.P.S. Quarterly at the invitation of its distinguished Editor, Stanley de Brath, himself a highly educated and shrewd psychic researcher]

Walter's eyes, appearing on the face of Mrs. Marshall, on March 6, 1932.  Dr. Hamilton was in New York on a lecture tour.  Dr. Bruce Chown was in charge of this experiment.  As usual, all events notarized.
The Imitative teleplasm of April 3, 1932.  It is a formation which resembles the head of a dog.  This marked the beginning of the Doyle series.   Three mediums were entranced simultaneously; unusually strict contra-fraudulent measures had to be taken, and Dr. Bruce Chown was in charge of the cameras.  Walter, always the humorist, dubbed this strange creation "The Hound of the Baskervilles."

May 1, 1932.  After Doyle's death, he manifested by trance speech several times, and indicated that he would like to give his likeness in teleplasm, if Walter would permit.  This was the first attempt.  While the eyes were very expressive, and the face was said to resemble Doyle as a young man, this fact was never verified.  However, the actuality and validity of the phenomenon are above question.  When Doyle spoke through Mrs. Marshall's trance, the voice became very low pitched, strongly masculine, and the manner of delivery precise and authoritative and hearty. Unmistakably Doyle's.

The Second Doyle face, June 27, 1932.  This was a second try, as both Doyle and Walter had expressed great disappointment at their first effort of May 1.  Here we have what appears to be a miniature, but truly living Doyle face.  The strange faces in the rest of the teleplasm were described by Walter before the plates were developed.  I wonder if you can figure out what it all means?

It is an allegory.  The skull represents death; the profile of the young woman (like a cameo brooch profile) represents humanity, gazing in fear of death.  Through the intervention of the youth, in the center (later found to be a copy of the likeness of Spurgeon as a youthful boy preacher), humanity will come to realize that there is no death.  This joy and certainty is vividly portrayed in the smiling countenance of Doyle at the top of the mass.

There is an interesting sequel to this teleplasmic allegory.  When my parents were in London, England, in 1932, they visited the Research Centers there.  Dr. Hamilton was invited to speak.  He had taken some of these slides with him.  They had also had a sitting with a reliable medium, incognito, where Doyle communicated.  My father asked him what we should title this most recent plasm.  Came the answer "Light is Dawning!"
At the lecture in Wigmore Hall, many of Doyle's friends watched this, with tears of gratitude streaming down their cheeks - The Chief still lived!

In 1932 my parents took a badly needed holiday, traveling to England and to Europe.  When they were in London, again T. G. H. was persuaded to lecture.  He spoke to many who were leaders in this movement.  Everywhere he was received with the courtesy and attention his scientific standing warranted; his presentation impressed his audiences with his sincerity, integrity, and scientific thoroughness.  Unfailingly, the press coverage was dignified, not sensational.
While my parents were still in London, Lady Doyle contacted the Editor of the DAILY SKETCH, who sought permission to do a series of articles on the Hamilton researchers.  Consent was given, and my parents were greatly amused to see my father headlined as THE DOCTOR OF A THOUSAND SEANCES.
When my parents returned home in September, 1932, the Editor of the Winnipeg FREE PRESS, wrote, asking permission to do a similar series of articles.
When my parents returned home in September, 1932, the Editor of the Winnipeg FREE PRESS, (not to be outdone) wrote, asking permission to do a similar series of articles.  In due course these were published, complete with photographs, in early 1933.
November 30, 1932.                
9:02 p.m.        Circle opens, called for at 8:30 p.m.
The instructions of the previous meeting were carried out.  The group lined up downstairs, walking quietly to the upper hall, twenty being counted out slowly and then the group entering quietly.  Dawn and Mercedes are somewhat hysterical and Victor fearful.  It is an atmosphere of fear, hope and expectation.  Previous to the sitting, T. G. H. and Mr. Reed and I all went in and examined the room and agreed as to the handling of the cameras in case two pictures were required.  Dawn's chair was standing so as to protrude about four inches into the cabinet.  In accordance with the previous instructions, singing was carried on very quietly.  During the first song Ewan and can be heard rubbing his hands and moving his feet on the floor.
9:04 p.m.        Mrs. Poole can be heard whispering in trance.
Ewan gasps and Victor starts drumming on the floor.
9:14 p.m.        Circle number.  Victor, Ewan and Mercedes do not reply.  Circle continues to sing quietly.
9:28 p.m.        Ewan starts to gasp and Dawn's chair is moved.
9:29 p.m.        Ewan: "Ham, you are getting tense, and the other one next to you."
Dawn laughs.
Ewan: "Dawn's getting too tense, too.  She is past tense, but she's got some future tense, too."
Dawn: "It's a little difficult to join the cords together.  You should all sit quietly and relax.  Instead of that you have talked, eaten, and slept picture since the last time.  Katie is not here.  Her medium is in trance, but she is not here.  You are not going to get the picture tonight."
Ewan: "Katie is coming.  She always keeps her dates."
Victor: "Here she comes."
Dawn: "I am going to give instructions which must not be divulged until the next sitting.  Could it be photographed without anyone else seeing it?  No, I will give the instructions through Ewan to Ham for Dawn to carry out.  You will have to wait till the medium is in deeper trance."
Ewan: "All right, I am coming through.  Ewan is at the table."
Dawn: "Take Ewan's right wrist.  Give him some paper."
He is then heard scribbling.
Ewan: "You will have to be careful because this will not be good writing.  I have got to get him deeper.  I can't keep his hand on the paper.  I can't use this piece."
T. G. H. gives him a fresh piece of paper.
9:56 p.m.        Dawn: "Take your time, friend."
There then follows a silence during which he may be heard writing quickly.
Miss Turner initials the paper and Dawn returns Ewan to his chair.
10:37 p.m.   Circle closes.
[Note: - There had been further discussion which the recorder had taken part in and was unable to write down, in which Walter, through Ewan, had been asked for detailed instructions because contradictory instructions had been given at various sittings.  Walter's reply was that we are to use our own common sense; but that we were to assemble downstairs, come upstairs quietly, count twenty at the door, and then come in quietly.  So far as the songs were concerned we might sing anything we liked; but it was a good idea to sing cheerful things and humorous ones.  He also insisted that the instructions written through Ewan should be meticulously carried out and that no one should see the instructions except  T. G. H. until after the next sitting.  He made no mention at this time of the desirability of having Ewan and Mercedes sits alone a few minutes prior to the general circle sitting.]
December 4, 1932.                
Mrs. Chown is absent.  T. G. H. has a very bad cold, and Mrs. Hayward has laryngitis.  Mrs. Hamilton instructed the mediums in accordance with instructions given through Ewan at the previous sitting.
8:42 p.m.        Sitting commences.  In accordance with previous instructions.  Mercedes seats herself on the couch.
8:45 p.m.        Mrs. Poole is whispering.  Dawn joins in the singing of the second and third songs, but not in her natural voice.
8:52 p.m.        Mrs. Poole is out of trance.
8:56 p.m.        Circle number.
Ewan: "Give no attention to John."
[Ewan's outburst in the character of John refers, not to the written instructions, but to John's request after one of the recent sittings that he might have an opportunity of speaking to Katie prior to the sittings.  He was apparently annoyed that this had not been done, but that Katie, that is to say, Mercedes, had been brought directly into the séance without this preparatory conversation.]
Dawn: "You have not enough power."
There is rubbing of hands, hissing and stamping.  There is still slight stamping on the floor in time to the music.
Dawn: "Speak to William."
T. G. H.: "Good evening, William."
Victor: "Good evening."
This is repeated many times, and he speaks with great difficulty.
"You have an absentee; a link is missing."
There then follows a silence.
Dawn: "I asked you to speak to William."
T. G. H. again addresses him.
Victor: "Keep on.  I have got to get ... Have you seen the tubes?"
T. G. H.: "No, can't you make them  visible?"
Dawn: "He makes them  visible alright.  It is you who can't see them."
Victor: "Till you see them  here I am blocked."
T. G. H.: "Will there be a current in the tubes?"
Victor: "Yes, of a different nature."
T. G. H.: "Do you make the current?"
Victor: "Yes, I make it by thought."
T. G. H.: "You use no chemicals, then?"
Victor: "No, these are created."
T. G. H.: "They are created then by thought?"
Victor: "I am going to give you a different manifestations with these tubes.  If you will only cooperate."
T. G. H.: "Did you ever give me instructions about them ?"
William: "Yes.  I gave you instructions on the other side.  You remember."
T. G. H.: "Yes, I remember very well.  Are these for the same experiment?"
Victor: "Yes."
T. G. H.: "I have not made up my apparatus yet that we discussed."
William: "Have you your infra red?"
T. G. H.: "It is partly ready."
William: "And the photo-electric tube?"
T. G. H.: "No, it is not complete."
Again there is silence.
Dawn: "Talk to him, please."
[T. G. H. says something about thought creations and William says something about the filters which I am unable to catch, but to his question T. G. H. replies in the affirmative.]
William: "When can you erect the apparatus?"
T. G. H.: "Anytime you say."
William: "Wait a while yet.  We are preparing and getting to the point when we will call for your help and for the photo-electric cell.  I hope by that time to give further instructions; but I want you to talk to me at every opportunity so I can express myself.  I will now stand by."
9:14 p.m.        Dawn: "Will you talk to them  now, John?"
Ewan: "I will talk to them  later."
Ewan: "I have had to keep out of sight because you did not go into the other room downstairs.  There was no doubt about the instructions you were given."
T. G. H.: "I can't bring the others in here in trance."
Ewan: "You have given me quite a difficult task tonight.  I have had great difficulty in keeping out of Katie's way."
Dawn: "They don't understand."
Ewan: "I have told him that she comes to greet me; and if she thought she had come here without greeting me she couldn't control her medium."
Dawn: "Can you answer questions, John?"
Ewan: "I will try."
Dawn: "I shall stand back.  Anyone may ask him questions, but only one at a time."
T. G. H.: "Relative to the work?"
Ewan: "I can't tell until I hear them ."
Mrs. Hayward: "To whom am I speaking?  Is it Walter, or is it William?"
Victor: "It's John."
Mrs. Hayward: "Am I going to be used, or, should I say, can I be of help?"
Ewan: "I was going to suggest that you be used tonight; but I thought perhaps we can get along without you.  I will have you sitting in the cabinet shortly.  I would also suggest that the gentleman who came with you should put his hands on my medium's back."
Dawn: "Yes, yes."
Mr. Hayward moves forward and places his hands on Ewan.
Ewan: "Good, good."
Dawn: "You see Dawn has her hand on me, too.  Massage him now from the neck to the shoulders.  Don't press too heavily.  There is no disease present.  Go ahead and ask your questions."
Queen: "What type of energy do you use from each of us?"
Ewan: "I can't tell that.  I can only tell you what I have told you before, that it is a breaking down of the cells and rebuilding them  again.  The energy that we use here is thought; when we come to your material world the thought must be transferred into material energy.  It is released by breaking down cells, but really that is not explaining it at all."
Recorder: "Can you give us proof of your identity, John?"
Ewan: "I have given you the proof.  I have told you of the time when I was governor of Jamaica and how I stood upon the cliffs and scanned the sea; how I held the island for the King; how I sacked and murdered.  I am going to use the medium Mercedes to give the photograph.  Good evening, everybody.  I have forced my father to play a joke on you (this last is apparently Katie speaking through Ewan).  I am going back to my body now."
Dawn: "Are you all tired or sleepy or bored or something?"
Queen: "Will you tell us what to do?"
Dawn: "It is too difficult."
Dawn: "We are only starting.  You have been too long in giving your undivided attention.  If you leave tonight it will be necessary to come again immediately."
Queen: "That will not be possible.  You had better get it tonight."
Dawn: "How long can you remain in the circle?"
Several sitters: "As long as you like."
[Recorder left the room at this time to answer the telephone.  When he came back  T. G. H. was apparently examining Mercedes.  He reports she is on her back and is very rigid, lying on her right side and that lower than her left.  Pulse normal.  Mercedes cataleptic]
11:15 p.m.   Dawn (sotto voce): "Why won't it stand?  Why does it go back again?  Why can't you hold it?"
Ewan: "All right now.  Good, good."
Dawn: "Take what you want.(Then to circle).  You see, friends, you have too long a space between sittings, and it is not easy to keep in a warm atmosphere.  I am afraid it will be necessary to come again when you come twice in succession.  The long sitting has tired you.  You were not feeling in that mood as it were."
Ewan: "Take it, take it."
Walter/Dawn: "I can feel your keen disappointment but I did not promise you definitely.  I want this picture to be - I was going to say, a perfect likeness, but I can't give you that.  I want it almost accurate.  It comes and goes like a ray of sunlight obscured by passing clouds.  There must be a reason and I must find that reason.  I have had great difficulty with this picture.  It may be health conditions, though there is nothing the matter with Dawn.  I think she doesn't have sufficient rest between the pictures.  Now you see it is gone again.  The dark has covered it.  There is some reason for this.  There is an immense power here, but not of the same kind of power."
[There is no doubt that the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Hayward (from England), upset conditions very much. - L. H.]
There follows a silence.
Ewan: "Paleface give me message.  Can you take a picture if he requests it?"
T. G. H.: "Yes."
Ewan: "Can you take a chance of getting nothing, he says?"
T. G. H.: "Yes."
Ewan: "Very good, he says.  Pale face gets much work getting props."
T. G. H.: "To hold it up?"  There is no reply.
11:29 p.m.   Several sharp gasps from Mrs. Hayward.
11:30 p.m.   Walter/Dawn: "Impossible.  I am afraid if the light gets on it, it will destroy it.  You must sit again tomorrow.  Can you do that?  The mediums must be assembled together after a night's rest."
Mercedes in a loud voice: "My medium can't be here.  This is Katie speaking."
Walter/Dawn: "I will see that she comes."
Katie/Mercedes: "Oh, I'm sorry!"  She bangs on the cabinet and cries out.
Katie/Mercedes: "Release my medium at once, please.  Release her."
Victor: "No, no, no."
Katie/Mercedes: "Yes, release her at once."
Walter: "Bring her back."
11:35 p.m.   Mercedes comes out of trance.
T. G. H.: "Can you come tomorrow night?"
Walter/Mercedes: "No."
Walter/Dawn (angrily): "Why, why, tell me why?"
Mercedes: "I'm going to a dance and I'm not going to give it up for Walter or anybody else."
Walter/Dawn: "I will see to it that you don't dance.  Dismiss your people.  Get out."
Dawn shrieks.
11:37 p.m.   Circle closes.  Following the sitting both Dawn and Mercedes were very upset and Dawn said she would never come back anymore.
December 10, 1932
[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. J. A. Ganshorn - Regina:]
"... It is a regrettable fact that about 90% of the material published on psychical research is hardly worth the paper it is printed on, except that you may peruse it to get the drift of thought of a large number who unfortunately are responding to their emotions rather than to facts acquired through a scientific approach.

"... In the British College of Psychic Science Quarterly published ... England, you will find the most reliable material obtainable from overseas and in the Journal of the American College of Psychic Research published at ... New York City you will find very excellent material from this side.

"... Apart from periodicals, quite a number of excellent books are available ... these constitute the more important works.

"... Our work has not been published in full, but a number of contributions have appeared in the British Psychic Science Quarterly beginning with the issue of October, 1929.  Others will be found in the issues of January, 1930; July, 1930; January, 1931.

"... We hope to continue publishing from time to time and before long to have a volume issued.  The work, however, is very, very slow and tedious.

"... It was very thoughtful of you to enclose a dollar with your letter but I do not accept remuneration along lines such as this and am forwarding you several of our best psychic photographs in a few days in return for the money.

"...If I can be of any further service I would be delighted to have you write or come in any time you are in Winnipeg ..."

December 18, 1932 
Y.M.H.A. - 980½ Main
Assisting Nature in Emergencies.
Our automatic adjustments
        An age of machinery automatic in operation.
        Clever human machines
        Most clever machine is the human body
        Heat regulating
        Distributing of food products
        Automatic blood circulating
        Automatic heat regulating
When things go wrong we get many marvelous adjustments acting as emergency measures
When things go wrong our greatest automatic functioner is our common sense.
        Our greatest asset.
This we can use best by a little knowledge of the mechanism of the body machinery.

An age of automatic machines.
        Clever machines:
        Money commands brains.
        Louis 15th clock.  Vanity.
        Necessity the mother of invention
        Picadilly Circus train register
        Fine machinery:
        Empress engines
        Cigarette machines
        Power plant time regulators
The most clever machine is the human body - perpetual motion.

                Blood circulating
                Distribution of food
                Heat regulating
Many functions are not apparent.
                Blood clotting
                Sympathetic nervous system
Numerous glandular products and their action upon emergent cells

        The mystery of food selection.
                Calcium, Sodium, Potassium
                Our limitations in:
Limitations of body functions based upon slender cord

                ½ gr of Iodine
When things go wrong
                Automatic action comes into play.
                Suffocation - struggling
                Blood loss - collapse of clotting
                Chill  - blanching of skin
                Poison - vomiting
                Our common sense in action.
                For suffocation
                For hemorrhage
                For food choice in faulty digestion
                Mechanical aids to nature
                        Chemical aids
                        Acid Alkali
                        Heat - Cold
                Man's progress
The long progression of mankind
                Pontius Pilate
                Christopher Columbus
                Our advancement at this stage
                Dependent upon our brains
        A short note:   University Subject
                Not so.
        A short note:   Some problems answered.
                Why does not Houdini come through?
                Why do these things have to be in the darkness?
                Why use mediums?
                Why the trance?
                A handwritten note:
(Aman?) you say - see the handkerchief that is on that table.  Without touching it, without even approaching it in the least - by 3 metres I can make it so this it will lift itself.

Typed notes:

Placing 1 man to the yard for 200,000 years, we would have a procession of 6 miles extent.  The caveman at front while we take up the rear.

The caveman 6 miles away is followed by prehistoric man, all the way down to Abraham - 200 yards ahead of us.  Moses 175 yards in our advance.

                Pontius Pilate         100 yards
                Columbus                 25 yards
                James Watt                 5 yards
Audiences varied and various - from clergymen to (those who saw wood)

                Approach to subject;        Historical
                Antagonism to:                New things
                                                Religious bigotry
                                                Provincialism in Science
                Limitations to Knowledge and of knowledge.
                Difficulties of research:        Rarity of mediums
                                                        Opposition of Church
                All forward movements opposed:
                                Rotundity of earth
                                Circulation of Blood
        Galileo, Hunter, Lister, Pasteur, Simpson, Galvani, etc.
        A short handwritten note:
        Typed Notes:
                The ease with which habits are acquired and fixed
                The difficulty of releasing our selves from habits
                The responsibility of leading others to bad habits.
No person can be excused for his of her life's activities.

                All becomes a part of their actual character
The higher our knowledge, the greater does responsibility weigh upon us

Ideals therefore must be as high as we know how and that hight must they be acted upon
                Observation of nature
                Scientific discovery
                Application of science to life
                Handwritten on left - typed on right page

                Nature of personality
                Nature of Energy
                Relation of personality to body
                Duality of Life
                Nature of matter
                Matter - ectoplasm
                Matter through matter
                The stability of personality
                Problem of goodwill
                Time and Space
                We must face facts
                Nature does not lie
                All things are in order
                Use our reason
                Be rational
                Relation to religion
                        To establish it
                        To prove the Biblical truth
                        To bring man to his senses
No Date given:
[Letter from the Winnipeg Free Press requesting an interview - request ignored previously - via G. V. Ferguson.]

The Final Katie Phenomena Appear

The Third Katie Face and Veil, January 3, 1933.
And the Katie "Shell", April 23, 1933.
(February, 1932 - January and April, 1933)
Even as far back as February 21, 1932, we find Katie/Mercedes stating that after next work is finished she is going to try once more to appear in objective form.  On March 16, 1932, Lucy/Mercedes states that Katie is anxious to resume work with Walter; and on October 16, the Doyle work is over. (T. G. H. and  L. H. in England during interim).  Katie again speaks of her work in connection with coming materialization; on November 2, John/Ewan states that the Katie form is half completed; and on November 13, controls state that Victor (W.  B.  Cooper) will give the signal, a phenomenal feat which up to now he has not been used to perform.

Victor's Pre-Impressions As to Nature of Coming Event: