1931 - Oct 18 - Dec 17


Oct 18 - Dec 17

T. G. H. asks about the height of the form.

Walter: "High as the medium (seated) but may float up so you must be ready.  It will be very light.  Have the room as cool as possible.  It may be necessary to remove part of the medium's clothing.  Extra wraps may be necessary for the sitters.  Readjust Dawn's clothing and say nothing about it.  Bring Dawn out of trance as soon as a photo is taken.  I will say one, two, three, fire!"

Katie through Mercedes: "Good evening.  We are all anxious about this materialization.  It is better than anything you have had yet.  Please do not forget anything Walter has told you.  There is something the matter with your group."

T. G. H. asks about Ellen (Elizabeth M.) who is out of the group.

Katie: "I like little Ellen ... Lucy is like one of yourselves.  She is anxious to make herself heard."

Katie asks us to sing "Sailing."  Group comply.

A control speaks through Ewan: "It's a long time since I came here."

T. G. H.: "What's the good word?"

Ewan control: "It's all right."

Walter: "Two great men - one tall, one small."

Ewan control: "I - I (finds difficulty in speaking apparently)

Walter: "It's John - it's John.  Sing again."

John: "It's all prepared; ready for you to see now.  He is ready to give you the photograph after you have all seen it.  First of all you will see Lucy - and be sure your cameras are set this time.  They are not quite - I was going to suggest you move them  further around and above the medium.  Try and get her from an angle, and from the side.  It is important to ascertain the depth of the figure.  This figure will be in complete depth.  I want to tell you something about Katie.  She is going ... she is still going to appear, if she possibly can.  That is all I want to say.  I have been superseded for the present by other workers but do not believe I am not here - I am anxious to help the controls when I am required.  We can speak to you more easily.  Walter does not want me to tell you any more."

Katie asks for another sea song.

After more conversation Katie leaves.  Victor sees her going up toward the ceiling - robes and veil.  John seems loath to let her go.  He says goodbye to her with much tenderness.  He says that Mercedes has been in a deep slumber which is necessary to repair.  He asks us to speak gently to Mercedes to waken her.  He says to break up quickly - he assures us that he is always present.

Walter through Dawn, and Lucy through Mercedes, discuss the question of Mercedes' attendance at another sitting.  Walter strongly objects; says the energy expended there should be given to him.  Very, very emphatic on this point.

[Note: All of these protestations refer to the fact that certain people insisted on coming to Mrs. Marshall for "readings", that is, to obtain help in their daily lives; many of them  claimed that her gifts of prediction were remarkable.

We ourselves did not observe at first hand this side of her mediumship; but we were moved to believe that perhaps there was "something to it, although this assumption did not rest on any truly scientific basis.  Walter complained that "power" was thus defected from his work.  Certainly the experiments were more successful when Mrs. Marshall refrained from giving "readings."   L. H.]

October 19, 1931.

Walter/Mary M.: "The form will appear in the center of the cabinet between the two mediums - Dawn and Mercedes.  It will be a cloud and it will be a form.  It will be as high as the seated mediums.  It may float up - it will be very light."

John King/Ewan:  "First of all you will see Lucy.  The figure will show depth.  Katie is going to appear if she possibly can."

October 23, 1931

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Miss L. S. Johnson - Chicago:]

"... I have your letter ... with clipping enclosed, relative to the use of infra-red light for photographing in the dark.  On the same day I also received a letter from New York with clipping from another paper relative to this and through a local friend from New York came a clipping from an article containing a copy of the picture in half-tone engraving.

"... This type of photography has been under experiment for some time in Paris.  About two or three years ago I had a letter from Mr. Jean Meyer of the Metapsychic Institute.  Subsequently, I have heard that they had a machine built for taking movies at the rate of thirty to the second by infra-red light.  This machine, complete, cost the modest sum of $10,000.  I have not heard much of the success they have had with it in actual practice.

"... Naturally, one would like very much to try this work and I have accordingly written at some length to Dr. Mees of the Research Laboratories, Eastman Kodak, at Rochester and representatives of that company located in Winnipeg have also written, so I trust we may have some experiments under way before very long.

"...Your comments on the attitude assumed by scientists are very interesting and to the point.  I think the incredulity that exists in many scientific minds results from a lack of cerebration.  They have, in their youth and early adult life, acquired a certain estimate of the world at large and of creation, in accord with the teachings of their day; and having so developed a mental habit of thought, it is impossible to get them to think seriously along lines which appear at variance with their training.  If we got movie pictures, many of the scientists would still complain that, because they were done in the dark there must have been fake.  I find so frequently an argument is put setting forth the terms under which, if these phenomena should occur, they would be believed.  The moment that the conditions have been met and the phenomena produced, the critic's attitude concocts another set of conditions and terms which must again be satisfied; and so these individuals retreat from the advance of facts only to take up a new position.  Psychic Research is so different from the use of radio where the masses of the people at large are utilizing and experimenting with the new discoveries.  In psychical phenomena the actual facts are witnessed by so few and then only in types so widely varied from each other, since the mediumistic faculty appears to occur with different features, and when cultivated goes through many and varied phases of development even under the same or like conditions.                

"... To apply the experimental tests you suggest would involve a tremendous expenditure of money and I do not suppose in our lifetime we shall ever see any person sufficiently interested to make that experimental work possible.  It would be the crowing joy of my life if it were possible.  Of course, we are assuming that the phenomena, it may be, can occur continuously upbuilding in infra-red.  This light, if it is able to change the molecule of silver salt within the photographic plate emulsion, must possess some dynamic force; and the question is therefore open as to whether this same energy may not be a damaging influence, even although it belongs to the infra-red part of the scale of radiation.

"... As you say, those of us here who are experimenting in the work know that these things are true because we know as certainly as it is possible to know anything that there is no chance for imposition.  Our minds are highly sympathetic to the uncompromising attitude of many of the scientists, but we feel that it is not worthwhile wasting our time to convince them.  If they are not willing accept the truth, then it is only too bad for them and it does not in one iota distract from the truth.

"... We have been extremely busy getting ready an article for the British Psychic Science Quarterly.  It will deal with the Raymond Lodge pictures and consequently your request in regard to photographs has been forced to stand aside; but I trust in the near future to be able to forward these additional copies.  Our work is slowly progressing, at least in so far as the seeming upbuilding goes for further photography, but I have not fired a single flash since last writing to you.

October 25, 1931.

Victor (W.  B.  Cooper, who has for some time now exhibited
remarkable clairvoyant faculties) declares that he sees Lucy go in and out of a form in the cabinet.  He is certain that the
photographs to come next will reveal Lucy.

Another prediction re: coming "picture."

Usual Dawn and Ewan and Mercedes controls speak.  They claim to be, and appear to be, working for the promised phenomenon.

Verbatim excerpt from Chown notes of this date: "T. G. H., Victor, and Ewan remain in the séance room after the sitting proper is over.  Ewan is in trance.  According to Victor, Walter came through and said that they had been working hard and everything was ready.  Wants two sittings close together.  Victor saw a form in the cabinet.  Lucy went into this form and out of it again.  He is certain picture will be Lucy.

After the séance, Mrs. Marshall (Dawn) stated that she saw a net thrown over the face of the cabinet and hanging down.

November 1, 1931.                        

Walter  thinks  "Work" near  completion.

Dawn passes into trance.  Spurgeon comes and asks that we sing "Jesus Loves Me." - sing it as if we were little children with emphasis on the "yes".

Mercedes, in trance, sings: "There Is a Home Eternal.".

Voice through Mercedes: "I want to tell you I have been here before   (sounds like the "Wanderer").  Join with me in prayer: "Oh, Thou Greatest of All Spirits - Thou who art the refuge and strength of those on all planes; grant, we beseech Thee, that through Thy glorious mercies that great truth may be made known - that we can return and cast a communication cord between the two worlds.  May those who come give truth; and that from Thee nothing that is given can be torn to pieces.  Amen."

"I am the stranger.  I will come again and make myself known to you.  I am pleased to be with you in this work.  A beautiful angel throng around; a happy band of pilgrims marching with faces turned toward the mountains of peace.  They have passed.  These are they that are standing ready and willing to testify that they do live; that they have only made a slight change - cast aside the empty shell with corruption.  God bless and keep you and grant you peace."

"Lillian M. Hamilton reports Ewan in very deep trance.  Dawn in trance sings, "Jesus Loves Me."

Direct voice: "Good evening.  Great work here."  Period of nonsense talked between controls.

Walter through Dawn: "Do not fail us and we will not fail you.  I hope our work will be perfected at the next sitting.  One or two little touches.  The medium lends herself in too many directions and interference is detrimental to the work here.  It is becoming more difficult to use her in the way I would like.  She does not willingly lend herself to me.  I would be very sorry if you were to abandon this work.  Perhaps there are other mediums - I cannot bring them  to you; our powers are very limited.  Her other work is detrimental to producing ectoplasm and materializations.  I would like if she would give up all sittings except here. Wait till after the picture, and then ask her if you like."

Heavy breathing on the part of Ewan.  Stamping by Ewan.  Ewan under trance.  Victor under trance.

November 2, 1931.        

Walter/Mary M.: 

"The face will not be flat.  The lower part of the form will be composed of flimsy stuff."


Walter/Mary M.        

The face that appears will be beautiful. (Lucy's second face beautiful)


Walter/Mary M.        

The face will be in three dimensions. (Correct)

The lower part of the form will be "flimsy". (Correct)

The teleplasm will not be of the "woolly" variety (correct)


"Lucy" is "coming back."  (Fulfilled November 29.)

Tells  of her earth life.

8:19 p.m.        Circle commences.

8:27 p.m.        Song
8:29 p.m.        Ewan pounding as the song goes on.
8:31 p.m.        Ewan rubbing hands.  Dawn sings with the rest.  Sitting order: Victor; Ada Turner;  T. G. H.;  Ewan;  Mrs. Chown;  Mr. Reed;  Mrs. Herling;  Dr. J. A. Hamilton; Mrs. T. G. H.; Ewan; Dawn; Mercedes; Dr. Chown at the back against outside door.  Heavy breathing on the part of one of the mediums.

Walter through Dawn: "I would like if you would have the room very cool - there has been some heat on.  This is the last attempt I will make for some time.  I want it perfect."

T. G. H. asks that the outside door be opened (in the hall).  

Walter/Dawn: "Could you keep it that way for some hours?  You see, I am not satisfied with what I am about to present, and so I would like if you would let in more air.  I cannot explain it to you.  I was afraid someone had meddled but Black Hawk was here and he is certain that no one has touched it ( the form).  Can you keep the place quite cool - not freezing - that is all I want.  When you come in, a certain amount of heat comes with your bodies, and it is not so good.  I am satisfied that we will be able to give you a very beautiful portrait; not merely the flat faced, but the full face - side, back and front.  The lower (part of the form) will just be flimsy stuff.  When we are pleased we rejoice with you, and so that is what I am aiming at - sculptured head and face in ectoplasm ... it will not be wooly.  I have been on that particular work for some time.  Don't admit white light.  If you could place inside the cabinet two high vessels of cold water, or better,  frozen water, so we could keep the form till you come again."

T. G. H. informs Walter that it will be six days before we can come again.  Walter says that is a long time to hold his work, but he will do his best.

Lucy tells of her life.

"I was born many years ago in the sweetest part of the British Isles - in Ireland - in Inneskillen."

T. G. H.: "Who is talking?"

Lucy: "Perhaps it was in the reign of Victoria.  I was taken care of by my parents but they emigrated and went to India.  I had a beautiful voice.  I was sent to the sisters of a convent - not in Inneskillen.  I hadn't a very eventful life - just an ordinary girl's life.  I was not disappointed in love.  I entered the convent as a novice not as a nun, to study music, but not to enter a sisterhood.  During my stay I was stricken with an illness - at eighteen summers - and I was told I could not regain the power of my voice.  Black despair took possession of me.  I determined to enter a sisterhood and went under guidance with the Benedictine(?) nuns.  I did not lose my voice but it was too late to turn back.  The years I spent in this French convent - I cannot give you the name.  On the eve, almost, of taking my final vows I passed the gates.  I was fully prepared to be a bride of the Church.  It would not have been a shut-in life - I wanted to be a 'Sister of Mercy.'  My life was not considered any harder than those who take up household duties.  Warnock was my surname.  Do you know what Katie told me?  That you were told that Lucy Warnock was never coming back again; she's going to come back.

Walter through Dawn: "Sing a little and then leave things as they are."

Lucy: "I'm disappointed."

Ewan control: "It looks damned good."

Lucy: "Let it go till next time, but you're going to have some trouble getting your group."

Deep voice through Mercedes: "Good evening.  Let our group depart and let Mercedes, Ewan and Victor stay here, not near the cabinet.  Go quickly."

10:10 p.m.        Break.

November 3, 1931.                

T. G. H.; Ewan; Gordon Chown; Anna; Ada Turner; Mr. Reed; J. A. Hamilton; L. H.; Dr. 

A  night  of  mishaps.

Medium's reactions exceptionally severe.

10:39 p.m..   Sitting commences.

Heavy breathing and gasping on the part of Ewan.  He appears to be choking.  Mercedes gasping and coughing.

10:41 p.m.   Ewan sobbing and gasping.

10:42 p.m.   No further sound from mediums

10:44 p.m.   Some sound of pounding on the floor in time to the             singing and rubbing of hands ( Ewan)

10:47 p.m.   Violent stamping.  Anna ( Mrs. Herling) gasping.

10:48 p.m.   Stamping starts again, and rubbing by Ewan.

Voice through Ewan: "You'd better watch your mediums; see what they are doing."

T. G. H.: "They are all right."

Ewan: "I've got something to do with this boy."

10:53 p.m.   Stamping harder but not faster- about one or two per             second.

11:05 p.m.   Direct voice: "I'd like to hit you all over the head, to             knock you out. (Voice very weak and breathy)
Voice through Dawn: "Hallo everybody! gone to sleep.  I wish you could see yourselves.  What are you all doing?"

T. G. H.: "I was very late getting home. (Hence late hour of starting.)

Walter: "I didn't break my work; it stood the test.  I think there is very little to be added.  If I could only get my screen together okay.  I haven't got sufficient energy.  This is not a little tiny thing that can be held in your hand.  It will be almost the same form as Mercedes. - not quite so large; so I cannot place it by saying "open Sesame", as they used to say in the times long ago.  I'm afraid the medium (Dawn) did not rest very well.  Other conditions interfered.  She called me on two occasions to talk her to sleep.  I did, when some damn clock woke her again.  It was impossible to soothe her."

Medium Dawn walks about scuffling her slippers on the floor.  She gasps and blows.  Ewan in center of room: "Come! Come to me."  He breathes heavily.  Dawn cries out and gasps and falls against the table in the center of the room.

Voice through Ewan: "You should not have left Dawn unsupported.  I could have taken power from him (Ewan) to support her.  Let Ham come over and lift her." 

Dawn cries out: "No!"

T. G. H. insists that she be lifted.  Dawn, assisted by T. G. H., struggles up.  Ewan sobbing.  Chairs and tables pushed about.  Dawn continues to gasp.  Ewan pants and falls on the floor - "Oh! oh!" (Sobbing).  He is now breathing like a patient far gone with pneumonia - 40 or more per minute.

Dawn: "Lucy!  Lucy!  Oh!"

Victor: "Lucy is here."

11:28 p.m.   Silence for a time, then Ewan begins gasping again.  

Voice through Dawn: "You had better cease.  Please close."

T. G. H.: "Any instructions?"

Lucy: "Conditions are far from good.  You are too tense, too tired.  This is not altogether your doing.  There are many bad spirits on our side.  Too much excitement and strange forces with our mediums.  The work is not damaged, but not complete.  Forces came in unexpectedly and tried deliberately to upset the work.  Dawn is not rested enough, and is not physically fit.  But the work is not damaged.  The form was better four or five days ago; and it would perhaps have been better to take the flash.  But you know Walter will not be pushed.  Two sittings ago the conditions were excellent.  We fought the intruders all back."

11:36 p.m.        Group breaks.  Mizpah repeated.

All: "May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from the other."

November 8, 1931.                

Victor; Ada Turner; T. G. H.; Mrs. Chown; Mr. Reed; Mrs. Herling; J. Hamilton; Mrs. T. G. H.; Ewan; Dawn; and Mercedes.  

Dr. Bruce Chown, recorder, sitting on chair against door behind J. A. Hamilton and Mrs. Herling.

Good conditions.

Moderate weather. No furnace heat in séance room for a week.

8:08 p.m.        Sitting begins. 

8:17 p.m.        Circle number - all but Ewan.  Dawn normal sees Walter.  There the form has disappeared and left a shaft of light.

8:34 p.m.        Dawn still singing with the rest.

8:43 p.m.        Dawn can be heard singing.  Dawn speaks in trance and says Black Hawk is guarding.

8:54 p.m.        Ewan stamping and gasping.

Voice to Mercedes: "Good evening.  Conditions are excellent.  Your band gathered a band that will protect you."

Ewan struggling.  

Mercedes control: "It's all right, friends.  You have gathered the proper vibrations.  They come with your mood."  Ewan falls to the floor.

9:27 p.m.        Rubbing of hands by Ewan.

9:35 p.m.        Walter says he has taken all he can from everyone.

9:49 p.m.        Sitting closes.

November 12, 1931

[Letter from an unknown writer to Dr. P. C(?). Morgan - Winnipeg:]

        "... Dear Sir:

"... In the interest of a subject that is occupying the minds of our serious-minded public, I feel that I must write and tell you that for downright, barefaced audacity, your sermon on Sunday on  "Spiritualism" was ridiculous in the extreme.

"... At the outset you were careful to point out that you had no first hand knowledge or that you had never seen Psychic Phenomena which, of course, immediately disqualified you from preaching on the subject.  This lack of knowledge did not, however, deter you from expounding your theories and condemning those of us who have some knowledge of the subject.  You did point out, however, that what little information you had was derived from reading the works of certain scientists; and, while admitting the possibility of spiritual communication, you failed to inform your congregation that the investigations of these scientists was for the same purpose of proving or disproving the possibility of spiritual communication, and the actual existence of life after death; which has always been a controversial theory. Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir Wm. Crookes, Wm. Stead, Conan Doyle, Professor Crawford, Rev. Wm. Thomas and a host of others too numerous to mention, have proved to themselves, through scientific methods, that it is possible to communicate with departed souls.  But, remarkable as it seems, it is left to the clergy, the expounders of the continuity of the soul, to reveal the course(source?) of the communication as that of the Devil.  Just why the Devil should be given the credit is hard to understand especially in view of the fact that such scientists did not find the work at all devilish.

"... Let us examine your attitude toward this vital question.  You are apparently content to accept the theories of some ancient prophet regarding his attitude toward Spiritualism, such as was in evidence in those days, forgetting the fact that he had no scientific proof regarding his theories.  For all you know his theories might have been expounded for no other reason than that of discrediting any psychic phenomena he himself was unable to understand.  It is just possible that you may admit that even Isaiah was not possessed with all the knowledge and mysteries of the unseen Universe.  Unfortunately, this unreasonable attitude of quoting ancient prophets as absolute authority on matters spiritual, is too evident among our clergy.  Is it not an unfortunate fact that the church with all its resources, with all its brainy men, has not yet made any effort to clear up the mystery of spiritual communication and materialization.  This attitude is all the more remarkable in view of the ever growing dissatisfaction with the church and its teachings.  One would think that it would be the first duty of the church to grasp at any straw, no matter how small, that would give material proof of its theories.  Instead, what do we find?  The moment its doctrines are in any way challenged, if flies back to the pages of ancient history and uses every conceivable argument, no matter how ridiculous, to discredit facts that, if only understood by its pastors, would strengthen the position of the Church."

                        (Writer unknown.  Good work!  L.H.)

November 15, 1931.                

Walter/Mary M.: 

"The form may be a hand's breadth above the medium's head - halfway up in cabinet.  It will be almost as large as Mercedes herself.

Lucy/Mercedes predicts that they will encounter many difficulties.


Walter/Mary M.        

Cloud form will be almost as large as Mercedes. (Correct)

Will stand 3 or 4 inches above Mercedes' head. (correct)

Will appear at "next sitting" (November 26

May not be recognized.

8:07 p.m.        Circle commences.  Room uncomfortably cool.  Dawn normal, gives clairvoyant descriptions of those present.

8:35 p.m.        Dawn: "Walter is here.  He says he is not fooling you anymore. (as if talking to someone invisible.)  It isn't my fault. No!  No!  I can't help but I'm doing my best, Walter.  Walter is talking to me; he's bawling me out."
8:49 p.m.        Ewan gasping.  Rubs arms and hands.

Ewan: "Dawn, place your hands my arms," he gasps, breathing heavily.  He stands in center of room, gasping and sighing.

Voice through Ewan: "Mercedes!  Sister Lucy!  Mercedes is in deep trance, and presently I will take Dawn and put her to sleep.  And when I have done so you will be prepared to take the instruction which will immediately follow from her."

9:10 p.m.        Dawn: "Walter wants to know if you are tired of waiting."

9:37 p.m.        Dawn still normal: "They are putting up a queer kind of scaffolding."

9:45 p.m.        Dawn in trance.

Walter speaking: "I haven't a very strong control.  I have not taken her because I did not want to use her very much at present.  I want two sittings close together."

T. G. H.: "I'm afraid that it is impossible. (Dawn and Mercedes have many engagements and refuse to break them .)

Walter: "There is nothing impossible.  I cannot explain why, but these lapses bring forces not in harmony - not intentionally ... (Walter pleads for closer meetings.)
T. G. H. asks about the height of the form.

Walter: "Only half way up (the cabinet).  Maybe the height of the medium's hand above the medium's head.  Almost as large as Mercedes - not as large as Dawn. (Dawn coughs and chokes.)

9:55 p.m.        Lucy: "You are going to meet with many difficulties in this picture.  Your medium will not be in a fit condition this week.  I have looked into her house; she will be no use for work this week.  I am anxious to see the end.  Good night."

10 p.m.        Walter/Dawn: "You have heard.  I cannot add to it.  If my medium gave as much time to me as she does to others it would be well.  I cannot make her.  I cannot understand why she will not give us more time."

10:02 p.m.        Group breaks.

[Handwritten note: "Ewan's distressing reaction in this case very remarkable.  All pointed to an unusual drain on his psycho-dynamic energies.  Food and rest restored him - always - to full normality.   L. H.]

Note that Anna takes on the same type of reaction as Ewan.

Note that Walter speaks of his "model" - previously of his
"form", his "case".

All intimating actual experimental work on their side of existence.

This is in line with "model" or "shell"  photographed  April 23, 1933.

November 22, 1931.                

Gordon Chown; T. G. H.; L. H.; Victor; Anna; Mr. Reed; Dawn; Ada Turner; Mercedes; Dr. Bruce Chown(Secretary).

Walter pleads for more cooperation.

Seems discouraged and angry.

Crookes speaks of globes of light.

8:13 p.m.        Circle commences.  Room quite cold.

8:20 p.m.        Mrs. Herling gasps.

8:21 p.m.        Circle numbers.  Dawn does not reply.  Some of the group are absent.

Walter seems discouraged and pleads for better cooperation: "Oh, friends, it is difficult!  How many of you have turned away when we have made connections.  I know it is difficult to keep a circle.  When you have a vacancy it makes a vacant seat with us, and so it breaks a link with us, and it takes a little longer to do the work."

T. G. H.: "Two cannot come again this week."

Walter/Dawn: "I am very disappointed."

8:47 p.m.        Mrs. Herling breathing heavily.

Walter/Dawn: "Others are growing impatient to get through; I am holding them back for you.  Why is it that she (Dawn) is so unwilling to lend herself to this work?" (Said in a voice of deep distress).  Walter becomes furiously angry with his medium's stubbornness.  Circle sing to quiet him.

Walter/Dawn: "Is there no one else you can bring to me?  Time is nothing to me; but to you time is everything.  I am anxious to do my very best for you.  I am glad to see to have stayed with it so long.  You have linked up with this one and that one till you are linked around the world and everyone understands." (Referring seemingly to persons on his side.)

8:46 p.m.        Mrs. Herling (Anna) still gasping and sobbing.

Walter/Dawn: "The room is in good condition.  My model has taken no harm.  Keep conditions as they are.  Try and fill your numbers.  Our friends are so disappointed when there is an absent one.  We have loved ones who come from higher realms.  They go away disappointed when your ranks are broken."

Walter speaks of "Faith", Mrs. Turner; "She has her own work.  She gives of her sympathy, which is good.  We need sympathy as well as workers.  Everyone here contributes something in your group.  You have forces that come with you.  You have only a little bit of faith.  You think you have a great deal.  You have more than some circles."

Katie: "I am going to take this pirate with me.  Come, get up (Victor puffing and blowing).  I want to tell you that everything is going to be all right.  No doubt you are grievously disappointed and also those men that gather round you - Stevenson and those men - but they will link again and connections will be as strong as ever. (Elizabeth out of group).  More difficulties in this picture (than in others).  My father and I are watching."

[Victor (W. B. Cooper) now also being developed as a medium by trance entities.]

She speaks of her friend, William Crookes. "Do not make any changes in the circle till Walter is in a calmer mood.  There is to be given something new - something never done before.  Be prepared and gather those who will lend both physical and spiritual aid.  Do not undervalue any of your sitters - there is always the fear of lending one's self to control.  It is not easy.  A control can't come and take without consent.  This medium (Mercedes) is very brave.  She has certain qualities.  She has strong willpower.  I can keep a way other controls.  Ask William to speak."

William/Victor (said to be Crookes): "I find difficulty in controlling."  William says he is going to try to show his globes of light.  Nonsense talk between Katie and Walter.

Lucy: "Good evening.  You don't want to keep your sitters too long.  The group is small in numbers but great in power.  We have built up strong, good conditions.  Your model, as Walter calls it, looks excellent.  I think Walter will be agreeable to closing the sitting early."

Walter/Dawn: "Yes, yes.  I can't do any more than I have done."

Lucy: "Ask Dawn to take more care of herself.  She is not well.  This work should not affect the health of your mediums."

Walter/Dawn: "Yes, absolutely correct."

Lucy: "Some controls might do harm, like the entities who took possession of my medium a few nights ago.  The after-effects were bad.  Do not entertain any thing of a disagreeable nature in your songs or in your thoughts.  Good night."

8:35 p.m.        Sitting closes.

[Note: Victor sees vision in trance of three-masted ship; high rocky cliff on the top of which is a stronghold.  Katie and John in the boat singing a sea song.]
[Note: One sees now that Elizabeth's absences had adversely affected the working conditions on both sides of the line.  Her very powerful telekinetic energies no doubt a helpful factor.  Much evidence in Geley's and Richet's work that telekinesis  (movement) of objects without contact and production of teleplasm closely related.  L. H.]

Victor's report.

"During the sitting I heard Walter strongly denouncing lack of interest in Dawn.  He also made remarks about the absentees, Ewan and J. A. Hamilton.  I then saw Lucy with Mercedes and felt Crookes behind me.  Lucy then withdrew to the other end of the room and I noticed Katie King coming in the distance and almost instantaneously appearing behind Mercedes.  A few seconds afterwards I almost lost consciousness, and was next standing beside Katie King in the center of the room.  I heard Katie speak and heard questions being asked of Crookes by T. G. H.  I then heard myself reply to these questions, but had a reluctance to do so, but could not prevent the words coming from a vocal organs, nor do I remember the replies to the questions.  Dr. T. G. H.'s voice appeared to be coming from a great distance.  I was then requested by Katie to stand beside Lucy who was standing apparently behind Mr. Reed and Mrs. Herling.  This was not in an audible voice but was an impelling force from Katie.  I then heard further questions being asked by T. G. H., and I heard myself reply in my own voice, but through the vocal cords of William Crookes."

"Standing immediately behind Mrs. Herling I saw  R. L. Stevenson in a black cloak and a Japanese, evidently Toki.  Next to Mr. Reed stood Sun Yen, a Chinese much larger than Toki.  On my right, Spurgeon and Stead and another man were in earnest conversation."

"I then noticed a vision before me of a high hill with rocks and foliage, and on the top of this was a stronghold.  In the foreground was a bay with a sailing ship of very old vintage at anchor in the Bay.  The ship had three masts and was very high in the stern, of wooden construction.  I was standing beside Katie King and her father, John King, on the land.  I heard John King ask Katie to go up to the stronghold, and Katie voiced her disapproval, and said she did not wish to go there.  Next instant I was on board the ship with Katie King.  The crew of the ship consisted of pirates; at least, they were in pirates' dress, and a more villainous looking bunch I never set eyes on.  Apparently they had a great respect for Katie, as they immediately made way for her, and doffed their hats.  At the request of Katie, the pirates all joined in a rollicking sea chanty.  All this time John King, standing to one side with a very stern look on his face.  I do not remember anything more until I woke up and found myself sitting in a chair in the séance room and everybody gone from the room except  T. G. H. and myself."

November 25, 1931.                

Gordon Chown; T. G. H.; L. H.; J. A. Hamilton; Ewan; W. B. Cooper; Mr. Reed; Dawn; Anna; Ada Turner; Mercedes; Dr. Bruce Chown(Secretary).

R. L. Stevenson.  Wants  his  work  to  continue.

Walter encourages the sitters.

Walter and his group work.  They say conditions are good.  Katie speaks.  Lucy tells of her work in her spiritual existence - says children are her special care and that she also at times cares for children on the earth plane.  

She also says that Stevenson and Stead are anxious to continue their work.  (Difficult for  R. L. Stevenson and Stead with E.M. (Elizabeth) gone.

November 26, 1931.        

Mercedes 20 minutes late.  Dawn not feeling well. 

8:39 p.m.        Circle commences.

8:45 p.m.        Rubbing of hands and stamping by Ewan.

Dawn: "Sing for and let the little children come.  They have no sins to expiate.  They will bring the essence into your circle.  Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven - messengers of the Father to each and every one.  They bring to form your loved ones' sweet thoughts.  They ever live in the land of pure delight.  Sing "Precious Jewels".  There are many pilgrims - many messengers."
Ewan: "Sing!  Sing!"  Rubs hands, claps and stamps.  Much excitement; Ewan stamping and rubbing.  Tempo increases until it would seem  impossible to pound so fast.  Ewan gasping.

Voice through Dawn: "There has been a great regiment of soldiers pass through your midst.  They are called wherever there is strife and anger.  There has been a great number of strangers following them  and lingering while you sang.  I am sorry you did not continue to say your psalm.  Let your prayers go with them  that no harm may befall any who come in contact with them ."

Circle sing a hymn.

Voice through Dawn: "Walter is with you and busy.  You may sing for him now.  Sing what he likes.  But sing heartily.  If you sing half-heartedly he works half-heartedly."

[The singing heartily appears to produce the energy which the invisibles need.]

Walter/Dawn: "How long would it take for you to recharge your cameras if you were to take a flash light?"

T. G. H.: "I cannot recharge all."
Walter: "No, no, I cannot get the face right.  Must get it correct." Ewan gasping and sobbing.

Walter: "Sing a little, please.  How long will it take to change some of the cameras?"

T. G. H.: "Three minutes."

Walter: "I see."

T. G. H.: "I'll shut half a dozen off now."
Walter/Dawn: "No, not now; there is interference.  Don't be disappointed.  I can see a wave of disappointment passing through your brain.  Keep your chin up.  How many have remembered about washing your hands before you come in here?"  (All but Queen)

Walter: "I said to wash your hands immediately before you came in here.  I cannot explain it.  It is too complicated.  Will you place two basins of water in the room - one inside the cabinet, one just outside the cabinet.  Let no one enter until you are ready to sit.  Place water in the room as soon as you leave the sitting and I will promise that I will be ready for you (at this point, according to Victor, who claim to hear clairaudiently, Stead said: "No promises" and which Walter apparently replied "No, all right".)  I will meet you here when you come, but I think everything will be in good condition".

Lucy: "Give a thought to your angel guardians or guides.  You all have a guardian angel."  She sings a song.

9:50 p.m.        Group breaks.

[ Photo of fingertip ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo - undated ]

[ Photo  - undated ]

November 29, 1931

[Letter from Stanley de Brath - thanking for the evidential nature of Hamilton's work - bemoans the reluctance of the clergy to accept proof of this nature.]

"These miniature photographs contain material for deductions which are absent from full-size materializations by Geley and Schrenck-Notzing.  They would seem to show that the size which we call normal has nothing to do with the conditions in the afterlife.'

November 29, 1931.                

Full group plus Mrs. Poole.

[There is a diagram of the cabinet position and the arrangement of the chairs and sitters during the sitting.]

"Lucy" - "Katie" materialization.  16 sittings during fall.  45 sittings since preceding "Katie" phenomena (of February 25, 1931.)

A statement:        

States that a figure has appeared.  (Lucy photographed.)



States that the face may not be recognized.  (Lucy identity not discovered for some months.)

All of these predictions fulfilled in mass photographed on November 29, 1931.  The face seen behind the veils found to resemble the Lucy face of March 10, 1930.  Teleplasm cloud-like; form shows some depth; it reaches nearly halfway up into the cabinet; and in addition one can see the cloud-like substance in the act of intermingling with and apparently forming the veil-substance.

8:20 p.m.        Sitting began.        

Ewan goes into trance at once. Ewan gasping even before circle seated.

8:24 p.m.        Dawn making peculiar noises.

8:29 p.m.        Circle numbers. Ewan does not reply; Mercedes groggy; ten (Dawn) comes after 11.

8:29 p.m.        Dawn is in a semi-trance
8:39 p.m.        There has for some five minutes been pounding of stockinged feet on the floor (Ewan).  Ewan rubbing hands, slapping and rubbing becomes more violent.  This is followed by a period of silence.  Control asks group to sing.  Ewan stamps his feet in time to the music.  It ceases.  Mercedes sings a hymn in a quiet voice.

8:50 p.m.        Ewan,  Dawn,  Mercedes all in trance.

8:55 p.m.        Dawn gives the signal 'one, two, three, fire (flash)!  No word having been spoken by any of the three mediums before this. 

The flash is fired.

8:56 p.m.        Ewan: "Quick!  Quick!  Give me your hand (this to Lillian M. Hamilton from whom he had released his hand a moment before while moving violently about seemingly under 
great psychic distress.)  He pants, gasps and sobs: "Quick!Quick! (To T. G. H., who is changing plates.)

T. G. H.: "It is all right."

9:01 p.m.        Ewan now breathing fast and sobbing.

Walter/Dawn: "Too late! too late! There won't be another.  Too long.  Speak up!" (This to Ewan control.)

Ewan control: "You should have moved quicker when the mediums were doing everything.  We couldn't hold it very well; gone down, gone down."

T. G. H.: "What have you given us?"

Dawn control: "If you will give me paper and pencil I will let someone else write it."  Dawn goes forward to the table.

Dawn control: "Perchance Lucy will tell you."

Ewan: "It's your lady."

Lucy: "It is your lady that comes here."

Ewan control: "It's Katie."  (Ewan in error -  L. H.)

T. G. H.: "Is it a good picture?"

Lucy/Mercedes control: "I don't think it is very good."

Ewan: "It is a good picture; it is all right.  I am satisfied.  I don't know about Walter."

Ewan control claims to be Mark Richardson.

Mark: "I am assisting.  This has taken a great deal from the mediums, but don't worry about them ."

[Handwritten:  Walter later explained to us at a small sitting that he had planned to show Lucy standing in the room on the first flash and Katie on the second.  He said that he would have used the same materialized form.] 

[Ewan was in error in saying that it was Katie, an error arising from the fact that he felt her presence so strongly.  The features of the face seen to resemble the Lucy of March 10, 1930.  Lillian H.]

T. G. H.: "Did you find the flash too strong?"

Mark/Ewan: "Not for me, but too strong for the figure.  Walter wanted to give different views to prove the reality of the figure."

T. G. H.: "Can you preserve it for another evening?"

Mark/Ewan: "Possibly.  It hasn't disintegrated entirely."

Mark stays that Mr. Reed (Sun Yen) contributed heavily. Sun Yen admits having been under heavy stress.

T. G. H.: "He contributed heavily?"

Mark/Ewan: "When he is allowed.  You must have all felt attracted to the materialization.  There was not any one who was not attached."

T. G. H. asks if this attachment is a material attachment.

Mark/Ewan: "It depends on what you call a material."
Walter/Dawn: "Be ready next time.  Something of importance.  Have patience.  The picture (referring to the one just recorded) may not be recognized; but that does not matter.  Often one doesn't recognize pictures.  You fail to recognize your loved ones when described to you."

Mark/Ewan: "I think you should close as soon as you can.  So long."

9:20 p.m.        Group breaks.

[Wide-angle view (photo) of experiment of November 29, 1931.]

[Upper Photo of "Materialization - the  STANDING  LUCY.]

[Caption: "Study the  Emerging of cloud-like teleplasm with the veil.  Here we have photographed what appears to be the transmutation of a basic energy substance into a material form.  The result is unique in annals of psychic research.]

[Caption: "Note that criss-crossing of the folds of the veil.  Is this veil actually three dimensional, or is it a sort of reflected image, yet objective in character?]

[Left side - Two photos: Caption: "The second LUCY materialization.  Very stringent test conditions.  Three mediums entranced.  Room searched, locked during séance.  Mediums and sitters all searched.  Fraud impossible.]

Photos of the standing LUCY of November 29, 1931:

[ Photo of standing Lucy ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

December 6, 1931.                

Reference to "shell".

The mechanism back of the standing Lucy mass.

Walter explains cause of the error in identification of face.

Crookes' light.

8:13 p.m.        Circle commences.  Seating arrangement as for November 29, 1931.  Circle sing.  Before end of the first verse Ewan gasping and stamping,  though not continuously.

8:23 p.m.        Circle number one to eight.  Eleven groggy.  Ten called out the few minutes later.

8:25 p.m.        Ewan control: "Jimmy Walson (Watson?!  I don't like you - I don't like you."

8:26 p.m.        "Go away; I don't like you."  Intruder swears; T. G. H. demands that he go away.

Ewan: "Quick!  Quick! (Apparently under great strain). It's all right."  Coughs and gasps.

Ewan control: "Sing softly."

8:34 p.m.        Dawn appears to be under great stress, gasping and groaning.

8:37 p.m.        Voice through Ewan: "That was a powerful fellow, very powerful.  Do not let him in again."

8:41 p.m.        Voice through Dawn: "Just a little interruption.  He wasn't aware of it.  We try to avoid them ."

T. G. H.: "How does that happen?"

Dawn control: "Sometimes the conditions come with the mediums themselves.  I do not know if it was so in this case.  A passing stranger sometimes interrupts the work.  When forces are good we can easily expel it."

Ewan gasping and groaning.  Mercedes says that Walter has been talking to her with the direct voice.

Dawn coughs: "Oh, my throat.  Bring me some water!  I'm choking."  She coughs like a child with the whooping cough. "I'm choking; I'm choking."  She is given a drink. "Oh my god!  What's the matter?" She comes out of trance.

T. G. H.: "There is nothing the matter - just a little excitement."

Ewan control: "You're all right.  Sit still and be quiet."
Lucy comes and says that she has been with a gentleman who was showing her some light globes (Crookes), but she had to come back because the circle needed her.  A Dawn control speaks and says that it takes a great deal of energy to expel an "undesirable".  Lucy speaks and says that the stranger was attracted by the light of the glow of our group.  The channel was open and he entered.  Ewan says he is Earth-bound and had been controlled. 

Ewan: "When you know someone has come who is undesirable use the wet cloth."

Lucy: "There should have been two faces in the picture; must have lost one.  Something the matter with the machine.  It was touch and go.  We still have the shell we made for the purpose.  It is not a failure.  Tell my medium, Katie will not use her for any more work if yshe does not keep herself in better physical condition."

Ewan: "If you were to ask Walter he would come back."

Walter speaks through Dawn and says among other things that the room must be kept between 45° and 50°.  He cannot give pictures (materializations) in heat.  Says he will be on the same plane as T. G. H., but a different Walter.

James Hyslop purports to speak through Ewan.

Walter says he will be glad to stand aside and let others come through.  Many are anxious to write.  David Livingstone has a great message to send through to the world.  Says he would like a hundred mediums if he could get them .

10:03 p.m.        Group breaks.

[Walter later explained that it had been their intention to show Katie after Ewan - hence the slight confusion re identity. - L. H..]

[Shell - photographed April 23, 1933.]

December 17, 1931

Letter from the A. S. P. R. - request for a lecture sometime in February.