"The next visitation, you will remember, took place in January of 1938, shortly after the new year.  Dr. and Mrs. Godfrey were present; the two Jims; myself; you; Barney and Eva.  His agony at that time was even greater.  The Voice commanded him not only to look and described his vision, but as well, to say when Christ would return.  Barney could not; or did not obey the second command, although he seemed to try; but he looked, and again said he saw the Savior.  Like Jack MacDonald, he said it was like looking into the face of the sun and seeing within this brightness a Man who had the appearance of Christ.  Jim reminds me that after the session was over Barney lay for some time with his eyes shaded, so great had been the strain; and that on the way home to Toronto, Jim had had to drive; the eye-strain still remaining and making it unsafe for Barney to handle the car.  Like Paul, both Jack and Victor had seen a great light and had heard a voice that had commanded that they do a certain thing.

"And now Ms. Elliott, also knowing nothing of the previous history of the manifestation, has had the same transcendental impact vouchsafed her, one more proof that we have in this, indeed, encountered phenomena lying beyond our normal comprehension.  Your own vivid description of this later event I quote back to you for purposes of record."